Kurt saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.
**Government plans tough new measures to deal with unruly classroom behaviour**
In a shock U-turn decision aimed at combating growing poor and unruly classroom behaviour, Government Ministers announced today that they will be piloting a new scheme aimed at relieving the burden on teachers. Pupils will be given the power to take over the running of lessons if they feel that the teacher is not coping. The class teacher will effectively "swap places" with the child and then be allowed to throw insults at the child as they attempt to teach the lesson. Ministers hope that by putting the child in charge, they will see the error of their ways and come to realise how their bad behaviour is preventing the teacher from doing their job. Children will also be allowed to confiscate phones from teachers to ring parents for extra support in lessons.
See http://tinyurl.com/3cdnuj for full story